Tuesday, October 28, 2014

3rd Annual Women Artists of Kauai Open Studio Tour

Aloha!  I want to announce our 3rd Annual Studio Tour that is coming up November 8th and 9th from 9-5pm.  I will be in Lihue sharing a studio space provided by the very hospitable Debbie Barklow.  Please see the Women Artist of Kauai site where you will find a map of exactly where I will be along with the other artists http://womenartistsofkauai.blogspot.com.  We are having a reception for the preview exhibit of the studio tour at the YWCA on Hardy Street in Lihue on Thursday, October 30th. 2014 from 5-7pm.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reflections on Fire from Visions blog

Reflections on Fire
by Caylin Spear


My version of the story is a lot less dramatic compared with the loss the owners of Hanapepe Naturals are enduring.  I lost about 15 paintings, maybe more, still not completely sure, in a fire that happened last week.  It has been a roller  coaster of emotions especially in dealing with the loss of the wax encaustic work.  I am still photographing and trying to figure out what to do with all the remains I salvaged from the fire.  In the mean time I have had over $200 in donations from my fellow Women Artist of Kauai sisters.  With this generosity I am able to buy enough material to replace most of the work.  The new series will be different of course, but maybe it will be better than before.  Now I just want to go to the dump with all of the stinky char broiled mess of paintings, but I will postpone that trip until I figure out if I could reseal the beeswax and preserve some of the interesting marks made in the wax from the fire damage.  I have learned about the impermanence of art and really life itself.  The constant circle of creation and destruction.  It is a reminder of the balance found in life.  So delicate and always changing.  Moral of the story: Get fire insurance!  Cheers to moving forward with even more beautiful images than those that were lost!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ocean Artists Society Quarterly Film

This is one of the quarterly collaborative films that I have contributed my artwork and statements to about the ocean.  My work is featured about halfway.  Enjoy and thank you for supporting the protection of the Earth's oceans.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mermaid Inspirational Calendar coming soon!

Keep an eye out for my new "Water Women Inspire" series that I am making into an inspirational calendar.  Here's a sneak peak:

Link to Past Work
